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Can You Keep Coleus Indoors

Can you keep coleus indoors

Can you keep coleus indoors

How to Grow Coleus Indoors

  1. Temperature—Coleus plants prefer temperatures in the 65–75 degree range, which is the usual range most people prefer in their homes.
  2. Soil and Water—Plant your coleus in regular potting soil. ...
  3. Fertilizer—Only fertilize when the plant is actively growing.

How long will coleus last indoors?

The average lifespan of a coleus plant is one year. It's not uncommon for indoor plants to live between 3-4 years if they are properly cared for, which means proper watering, sunlight, the right soil, and the right plant food to keep it green, and healthy.

Does coleus make a good houseplant?

Can I grow coleus indoors? Sure, why not? Although coleus is typically grown outdoors as an annual, its vibrant leaves provide many months of enjoyment indoors if growing conditions are just right. In fact, coleus plants respond well to potted environments.

Can coleus survive winter indoors?

Given adequate light, coleus overwinters easily indoors. Dig up healthy plants in the fall, just before cold weather hits. Make sure you get as much of the root system as possible. Pot your plants in suitable containers with well-draining soil and water them thoroughly.

What do you do with potted coleus in winter?

Once rooted, pot up the plants for the winter season by fall. Another method is to move the entire container indoors before the first frost. Before bringing them in, check for bugs, spray the plants down with a hose and make sure to wash off the underside of the leaves.

Do coleus do better in pots or in the ground?

Coleus can grow well in pots or the ground, making them a versatile addition to an outdoor space. The colorful foliage of Coleus will brighten up a patio, porch, or balcony. When grown in a container, the plant can easily be moved to a spot in need of color or an area that provides more favorable conditions.

Will coleus come back every year?

Do coleus come back? Hardy in USDA zones 10-11, coleus is a tender perennial but is most often grown as an annual. Since coleus are sensitive to cooler temperatures, they will only come back the following year in the warmest regions.

Why are my coleus leaves falling off?

If your plants are losing their leaves, they may be adjusting to the drier indoor environment and the change in light intensity. Pinch the stems back to encourage new growth, keep the soil moist but never soggy, and place the plants near a large window or about six inches below a source of artificial light.

Why is my indoor coleus dying?

Coleus over watering or coleus planted in waterlogged soil will suffer from root rot, which can kill your coleus. If your coleus has developed yellow leaves from too much water, it may be too late to save the plant. If your plant is dying, try saving some cuttings and propagating a new plant.

How often should you water coleus?

Coleus in containers may need watering twice a day during hot weather. Outdoor containers may require water twice a day. Indoor plants need water only when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.

Should you cut back coleus?

Around midsummer, coleus should be pruned regardless of whether it will be allowed to flower. If it's not maintained, it could overgrow and branches can snap from their weight.

Will coleus grow back after winter?

Do Coleus Come Back After a Winter Freeze? The short answer is that coleus are not frost-tolerant plants. While not impossible for them to regrow after a frost, most will likely die if they are exposed to colder temperatures and are hit by frost. They will not survive in areas that get below 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

What temperature is too cold for coleus?

So, what's the lowest temp for coleus plant livability? Cold nights in the 40-degree Fahrenheit range can damage the coleus. This is true even if there is no frost. Generally speaking, coleus plants are too tender to survive temperatures at the literal freezing point, which is, of course, 32 degrees.

Should you let a coleus flower?

Whether or not to let your coleus bloom is a personal preference. Some folks just like the flowers! Coleus blooms are a spike of tiny flowers ranging in color from pale blue (almost white) to purple. They are attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds, which for some people is enough of a reason to let them form.

Do coleus need big pots?

As a minimum, you'll want a pot that's eight inches wide and deep for a single plant. If you want to plant more than one, or add some colorful annual flowers, then consider a large planter. Make sure your container has draining holes on the bottom.

Does coleus like sun or shade?

Some modern coleus varieties handle full sun, but most still flourish with at least dappled shade and direct sun limited to morning hours. Too much sun or intense midday rays leave foliage scorched and faded; too little light causes weak growth. A balance is important for coleus beauty and health.

How do I save my coleus plant for next year?

To overwinter coleus, cut 3- to 4-inch tip cuttings from healthy plants. Remove the bottom set of leaves, dip the cut end in rooting hormone and place the cutting into a pot filled with a soilless mix. A 6-inch pot can accommodate 12 cuttings.

Should you water coleus every day?

How Often To Water Coleus. Newly planted Coleus will need to be watered daily for the first week. Once the plant is established, it may be able to go a few days before watering, depending on the weather and humidity in your area. Coleus has high water needs and generally prefers consistently damp soil.

Do coleus plants clean the air?

Try asparagus fern with ivy, coleus, or philodendron plants anywhere you desire the air-purifying properties of a low-care houseplant.

Is coleus poisonous to dogs?

Coleus is poisonous to dogs, and while the plant is not likely to be fatal if eaten, it can cause a reaction and illness. The leaves of Coleus contain diterpene coleonol and coleon O, which are toxic to dogs. Pets that ingest Coleus foliage may experience vomiting, diarrhea, and depression.

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