Nandina Varieties
Nandina varieties
Flirt: Flirt Nandina makes the best groundcover of all the varieties and is non-invasive. It keeps its reddish color year-round, and can be grown in edges, containers, and mass plantings. Harbour Dwarf: This non-invasive version emerges pink and turns green at maturity.
Can Nandina take full sun?
The genus name, Nandina, is the Latin form of the Japanese name for this plant, Nanten. The specific epithet, domestica, means domesticated. Heavenly bamboo can grow in full sun to shade and a range of soil types, but it prefers moist, well-drained, fertile soil.
How tall do dwarf Nandinas get?
'Harbour Dwarf' is a dwarf form of Nandina that typically grows to only 2-3 foot tall, but can spreads by rhizomes to 3-4 foot wide. Leaves are smaller, narrower and closer together, typically forming a dense foliage mound that branches to the ground. Fruits are less abundant than with most Nandinas.
Which Nandina is best for shade?
Harbor Dwarf: 1.5-2′ T x 1.5′-2′ W, Harbor Dwarf has pinkish new growth with extra-dark green leaves, good red winter coloration, and limited berry production. Better than normal shade tolerance for a nandina.
Where is the best place to plant nandina?
Nandina grows best in moist but well-drained soil that is slightly acidic. Choose a sheltered spot, with some sun to encourage good colouring up of the foliage.
Are Nandinas low maintenance?
This shrub is relatively free of pest and disease problems and even performs reasonably well under trees. Firepower Nandina is a low-maintenance plant.
What time of year do you plant Nandina?
The best time of year to plant Nandina is in spring or fall when there is no risk of frost. Planting in the heat of summer is not advisable.
How do you make Nandinas look good?
Prune the canes out all the way to the ground and don't remove more than 1/3 of the total canes. This will encourage fresh, new stems to sprout with beautiful new foliage. Never shear Nandina as it destroys the soft, informal character of the plant.
Do Nandinas like a lot of water?
Nandina is a drought tolerant plant so once it is established it has low water needs. If your Nandina is in a potted container, you will likely need to water more frequently since the soil will dry out more quickly.
What can I plant instead of nandina?
Inkberry (Ilex glabra) is an excellent evergreen substitute for nandina in full sun or part shade. Inkberry is a reliable evergreen shrub and can be used as a hedge, foundation plant or a low screen, just like nandina.
How do you keep Nandinas small?
Taller, ordinary nandina grows lanky and bare at the bottom over time. Pruning restores a full and compact look. Using hand pruners (never hedge shears), renew neglected clumps by cutting one-third of the main stalks to the ground every year for three years.
What is the smallest nandina plant?
The Flirt Nandina is the smallest of the dwarf Nandinas.
How far apart should nandina be planted?
Space Your Firepower Nandina 1-1.5 feet apart for a seamless planting. Otherwise, plant them 4+ feet apart to leave space between shrubs.
What does nandina look like in winter?
The foliage is tropical and looks exotic with leaves that are compound and bisected three ways. The leaves are a bright, glossy green in the summer, but they really shine in the winter with a fiery array of reds and burgundies.
Are nandina roots invasive?
Nandina is considered an invasive species in the United States. An invasive plant is one that has escaped from cultivation (such as your landscaping or garden), and has started growing where it wasn't meant to grow.
How quickly does nandina grow?
Growth Rate Nandina is a slow- to moderate-growing shrub. It grows 12 to 24 inches per year, depending on conditions, including location, light, fertility and water.
Do Nandinas lose their leaves in winter?
This shrub is evergreen in the warm winter climates of USDA Zones 8-10. In cooler areas, it is considered to be semi- evergreen to deciduous because plants will typically lose their foliage (become deciduous) as soon as winter temperatures dip below 10 degrees F., with the stems sometimes dying to the ground.
Will nandina grow back if cut down?
Answer: Nandinas are pruned in an uncommon way. If you cut a given stem back almost to the soil line, it will regrow from its base. If you do that to the tallest one-third of the canes every year, you'll have a constant supply of fresh and new growth coming up from the ground each spring.
Can Nandina survive winter?
Nandina are deciduous shrubs that the U.S. Department of Agriculture rates as cold hardy in zones 6 through 9. They should survive winter winds and frosts easily in those zones, assuming weather continues to fall within expected temperatures.
Which nandina grows tallest?
Nandina Domestica Tall “Heavenly Bamboo” It grows up to 8ft tall, as opposed to Dwarf Nandina which stays at 2-4ft.
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